To emu or not to emu? That is the question

As you might know, we offer all of our products both with and without Emu Oil - so should you or shouldn't you?

Well, first of all, if you're a vegan or have an objection to using an animal by-product (The emus are raised for their lean meat, not their oil) then, of course, you definitely shouldn't. All of our products are made for people with sensitive skin and will help with eczema or psoriasis - emu oil or not.

Ok, then why should you?

Because Emu Oil might be one of the most amazing ingredients out there for these reasons:

  1. Emu oil penetrates deeply into the skin so it provides superior moisturization but will not leave you feeling oily or greasy. 
  2. Emu oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties which means it helps relieve redness and itchiness. 
  3. Emu oil has the allergenic potential of water and is very close in composition to the natural oil our skin produces, so it is nearly impossible to have a reaction to it. 
  4. Emu oil protects against sun damage and has been shown in studies to actually stimulate new cell growth. 

Emu oil contains: 

  • Vitamin A, a known skin repairer and antioxidant 
  • Linoleic acid, which helps to ease muscle aches and joint pain 
  • Oleic acid, a proven skin cell-regenerator and anti-wrinkle agent 
  • Sapogens, proven skin softeners 
  • Terpines, known antiseptics 

Honestly we could go on and on. If you can get past the fact that this remarkable oil comes from the back fat of a bird, you are in for some serious skin benefits! We definitely recommend adding the emu oil if you have eczema, psoriasis or any other troublesome skin condition. We also recommend adding it to your facial because if even half of the information about how it prevents wrinkles and stimulates new cell growth is correct, then why not?

(To add emu oil: simply pick the scent you want to order, click on the drop down with the size and price, and select one of the options "with Emu Oil")