Skinamalism is in. And we're here for it!

Keep It Simple Skincare

Finally, a skincare trend we can really get behind! Skinamalism is a less-is-more approach to skincare. 

Maybe it was boredom during the pandemic that caused so many people to try putting EVERYTHING on their face and find out the hard way that using too many products doesn't guarantee effective results. In fact, often it can do just the opposite and cause breakouts and irritation.

Simple and minimalistic are the keys to great skincare and that is what Simple Sugars has been about since 2015. Great high quality natural ingredients that give you what matters:

  • anti-inflammatory benefits
  • antioxidants to fight the signs of aging
  • HYDRATION! (say "YES!" to emu oil!) 

A Simple Sugars Facial and an effective sunscreen (that you actually use) are all you need for great skin. Simple, effective and economical! 

With gas and groceries taking more of our paychecks, doesn't re-thinking all those expensive extras (we're looking at you serums and toners...) make sense?

GO NO-LO and Skinamalistic with Simple Sugars and get skin you love!